Thursday, May 20, 2010


I call this photo "It's a big world". When taking this photo, I wanted to capture the light/dark contrast between the light and the shadow of the pot. I also wanted to making the budding plant in the middle my focal point. When in photoshop, I tweaked the vibrance and contrast adjustments to make the contrast richer and the light/dark difference more noticable. I further used layer masks and blending modes to place many different elements into the photo. I cut in the runner, the snake, the window and the brown area in front of the pot to create the illusion of a world beneath the grass, a world where there are little houses and large, scary snakes. I think this photo is charming and causes the reader to think about a world different from their own. All in all, I achieved exactly what I wanted to achieve with this photograph. My only criticism is the brown addition in the bottom left hand corner. It didnt blend in the way I wanted it to.

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