Thursday, May 20, 2010


I call this photo "It's a big world". When taking this photo, I wanted to capture the light/dark contrast between the light and the shadow of the pot. I also wanted to making the budding plant in the middle my focal point. When in photoshop, I tweaked the vibrance and contrast adjustments to make the contrast richer and the light/dark difference more noticable. I further used layer masks and blending modes to place many different elements into the photo. I cut in the runner, the snake, the window and the brown area in front of the pot to create the illusion of a world beneath the grass, a world where there are little houses and large, scary snakes. I think this photo is charming and causes the reader to think about a world different from their own. All in all, I achieved exactly what I wanted to achieve with this photograph. My only criticism is the brown addition in the bottom left hand corner. It didnt blend in the way I wanted it to.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Theme 2 Photo

I love the simplicity of this shot. Behind the runner is a wide, bright arch that contrasts the dull and mundane concrete. In photoshop, I really wanted to make the red shorts of the rollerblader the focal point. I REALLY increased the vibrance so it would stand out. I also slightly adjusted the contrast to make the light/dark difference a little sharper.

Something about this photo is very peaceful. I love the splash of color the red shorts bring and the image of the roller blader caught in a streak of motion.This scene reminds me of how much I love long runs and the blissful exhaustion you feel at the end. You feel like you're in a haze but your entire body feels alive and energized. The only thing I would maybe fix is the vibrance. It may be a little too overdone.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Text + Image

I chose this photo because there is something magical about it. It brings out the inner child that exists in every one of us. This photo is special and playful and inspiring. In that light, I chose an inspirational quote about belief in one's self and how that can affect the world. I placed this quote in a all encompassing circle so it was in harmony with the circles of light in the center of the photo. My font color was a light orange/gold that tied in with the light without drawing too much attention from my focal point.

In photoshop, I used a clone tool to cover up the faint outline of a garage off to the right side and slightly increased the contrast to allow the light to appear brighter. I believe this photo is simple and beautiful. Somehow, the composition is compelling and yet peaceful and harmonious. When I look at this photo I see an image of inspiration, a photo that really makes the viewer think. The only thing I wish I could change was the stone at the bottom of the photo. I didn't think I had enough material to clone it into grass. I believe it distracts from the focal point.