Friday, April 30, 2010

Composite photo

For this photograph, I was really looking for a subtle and thought-provoking light/dark contrast. I chose two night photos, one picture was of Lake of the Isles with the twisted branches of a tree barely illuminated, the other was of a brightly lit city street. By putting these pictures together, I was able to draw more attention to the interesting shapes of the branches and make it look as though there was a large city behind it in the distance.

Once I put the photos on top of each other, I used the lighten blending mode to bind the two photos together. By using lighten instead of darken or burn I was able to make the light parts of the photo more visible and clear.

I really like the creativity of this photo. It's very subdued and calming, but also mysterious and alluring. By having the lights in the distance, the viewer is meant to feel interest and perhaps some desire to see what lies behind the dark tree in the city beyond. My only modification would be to make the image a little clearer. The image of the tree was a little out of focus to begin with.

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